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GC-MS Procedure

Table of Contents
  1. Instrument Procedure
  2. Sample Preparation

Instrument Procedure

  1. Run a solvent blank on the GC-MS using the CHEM370_Acetaminophen.M method. Use a microliter syringe to inject your sample and consult the GC-MS SOP.

    A solvent blank in this case is 1 $\mu$L methanol and nothing else. Your blank should have a baseline less than 50,000 counts that is stable and free of peaks. If you see peaks, run another blank until you don't!
  2. If your blank is clean, prepare a sample as per below and run on the GC-MS using the CHEM370_Acetaminophen.M method. Consult the GC-MS SOP for more information.

Sample Preparation

  1. Grind a Tylenol tablet in a clean mortar and pestle.
  2. Cone and quarter your sample until you have about 0.5 g. Place that in an 2-mL GC autosampler vial.
  3. Clean a microliter syringe with the syringe cleaning apparatus.
  4. Load the syringe with 2 $\mu$L of methanol.
  5. Place the syringe in an arm clamp/ring stand and push the GC autosampler vial onto the tip of the syringe.

    Do NOT let the tip touch the sample or the vial!
  6. Gently push the plunger of the syringe down all the way so that you have a small drop of methanol on the end of the syringe.

    The syringe plunger does not go all the way down to the glass body! Do not force it or you will ruin the syringe!
  7. Expose the drop of solvent for 30 seconds and then pull the plunger back up to pull the methanol back into the syringe.
  8. Inject the sample into the GC.
  9. Clean the syringe and repeat as-needed for each sample.