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FAAS Procedure

Table of Contents
  1. Standard Preparation
  2. Sample Preparation
  3. Running Samples
  4. Waste Disposal and Cleanup

Standard Preparation

  1. Prepare blanks from ultrapure water.
  2. Prepare mercury standards at 1-100 ppb using the stock solution provided. Dilute with ultrapure water using volumetric glassware. Make sure all glassware is exceptionally clean!
  3. Place your standards in 50 mL plastic centrifuge tubes for analysis.

Sample Preparation

  1. Tare a clean 50-mL centrifuge tube.
  2. Place an acetaminophen tablet in the tube.
  3. Obtain the mass of the tablet in the tube.
  4. Fill to 50 g with ultrapure water.
  5. Place the entire tube in an ultrasonic bath for 5 minutes.
  6. Filter the sample into a clean centrifuge tube using a 0.45 $\mu$m syringe filter.

Running Samples

  1. Use the FIMS SOP to prepare a FIMS method file containing your blanks and standards. Use the CHEM370_Acetaminophen method as a template.
  2. Prepare a Sample Information File containing your QC.
  3. Run the blanks, standards, and QC.
    **Checkpoint:** - A passing blank will show no signs of contamination. - A passing standard curve will have $R^2 \ge 0.9990$. - A passing QC will be within $\pm$ 5% of the known concentration. If any of these is not passing you must repeat the analysis and/or remake your standards until they pass!
  4. If everything passes, add your samples to your Sample Information File.
  5. Run your newly-added samples.

Waste Disposal and Cleanup

  1. Collect all wastes in the FIMS waste container.
  2. Place used (empty) centrifuge tubes in the trash.
  3. Wipe up any spilled powder with a paper towel.
  4. Remove the vaping machine tubing and rinse it out with ultrapure water.