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FAAS Data Processing

Table of Contents
  1. Organize and Import Your Data
  2. Create a standard Curve
  3. Determine the Concentration of Your Samples
  4. Validate Your Results
  5. Save & Turn In Your Work

Use the following link to download the notebook template for this lab:

Install the StringEncodings package before you open this template.

The following video walks you through the data processing portion of this lab.

Having trouble viewing this video? Click here to view it on Panopto instead.

You should turn a your complete lab notebook as an .html and .jl file functioning with no errors and your CSV file.

Organize and Import Your Data

  1. Create a folder for this lab on your computer.
  2. Paste your data file into the folder.
  3. Import the data using

Create a standard Curve

  1. Use Julia to fit and plot a standard curve. (See Lab 2 if you need a review.)

Determine the Concentration of Your Samples

  1. Determine the concentration of your samples and QCs. Remember to factor in all dilutions. (See Lab 2 if you need a review.)
  2. Use the confidence intervals or a t-test (whichever you prefer) to determine whether the metal concentration is significantly different before and after vaping. (See Useful Information > Comparing Means for more information.)

Validate Your Results

  1. Determine the concentration of the QC.
  2. Determine the percent difference from the expected value.
  3. Determine your LOD and LOQ.

Save & Turn In Your Work

  1. Save your work as a .jl (Julia) file and .html (static HTML).
  2. Attach your .jl, .html, and .csv files to the MS Teams assignment for this lab when turning it in.