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FT-IR Procedure

Table of Contents
  1. Instrument Procedure
  2. Sampling Procedure
  3. Waste Disposal and Cleanup

Instrument Procedure

  1. Use the CHEM370 user on the FTIR. Make sure you are collecting spectra as Absorbance vs. Wavenumber.
  2. Record a background spectrum on the FT-IR according to the FT-IR SOP.

Sampling Procedure

  1. Determine the mass of all contents of your sample vials.
  2. Grind your samples into a fine, homogenous powder using a mortar and pestle.
  3. Cone a quarter your samples on weighing paper until you have approximately 100 mg of each for FT-IR, and store the extra sample in glass vials.
  4. Place a small amount of powdered sample on the ATR window, lower the anvil, and acquire a spectrum.
  5. Wet a Kimwipe with a small amount of ethanol or methanol and clean the ATR cell with it.

    Never spray solvent directly on the IR -- always spray it on a Kimwipe pointed away from the instrument.
  6. Repeat the above steps 2 more times, for a total of three spectra for your sample.

    Make sure you collect the reference spectra too!
  7. Repeat the above steps for each sample, so you end up with three spectra of each sample.
  8. Save your data in CSV format.
  9. Make sure you leave the instrument and your work area clean and log out of the computer.

Waste Disposal and Cleanup

  • Clean the IR with ethanol or methanol and replace the cover.

    Never spray solvent directly on the IR -- always spray it on a Kimwipe pointed away from the instrument.
  • Clean up any powder on and around the IR.
  • Make sure your work area and the instrument are cleaner than you found them.