Week 4
Week 5: UV-vis Wrap Up
We will finish the UV-vis lab this week.
To Do:
- Come to lab and repeat your experiment as necessary to get a passing $R^2$ and QC.
- Think about what you can do differently. Can you use another QC? Do a better job pipetting your standards? What may have gone wrong to cause your non-passing results?
- Complete the data processing for your notebook.
Complete your lab notebook for Lab 2. Please come to your designated lab section to work on this in lab. - If you turn in your notebook before lab this week and you don’t need to come to lab! - If you’re having technical difficulties or struggling with Julia/Pluto, this is a great time to come get help!
- Begin watching the instrument training videos and taking the quizzes for at least two instruments listed. These must be completed before you can do any work on the instruments. (Look for an email from me this week talking about this.)
Turn In:
- You should turn in your weekly progress on the lab when you leave lab this week; your notebook does not have to be complete – this is just to ensure there is a daily record of what you did in the lab.
- Turn in your complete notebook for lab 1 next week. This means the data processing, discussion/conclusion, etc. should all be complete. There will be no peer review for this notebook.
Coming Up:
- Project labs start next week! (More info to come next week.)
Written on January 30, 2022