Week 8
Week 8: Project Lab
You will continue with the project labs this week.
To Do:
Come to your designated lab section. You will work with your lab partner on the project lab. Plan to have at least two of the following completed by the end of the week:
- Completed FT-IR data acquisition
- Completed standard preparation for FAAS or HPLC and begun running samples
- Completed FT-IR notebook
Watch the instrument tutorials. At minimum, watch at least one tutorial and take the quiz before you come to lab. Plan to have all the tutorials done in the next week or so.
Begin drafting your technical report Into and Methods sections. A draft is due March 31.
Work on the lab notebooks for the projects labs you’ve completed. Do not put these off to the end of the semester!
- The HPLC template will be posted Monday, and the video will follow shortly afterwards.
- The GC-MS might be fixed this week, and should be ready to use in lab next week.
Written on March 14, 2021